Thursday, August 25, 2011

Do You Have What it Takes?

Recently, the Indiana CPA Society published an article entitled "A Day In the Life" in their quarterly CPA INPerspective magazine.  The article features Monroe Shine's past President, Dale Gettelfinger and "gives us a peak into a day in his life". 
If you are wondering what it really is like to be a CPA in public accounting, you might take a look at this article.  Sure, not every single day is like this, and I'm sure Dale spruced it up a little to make sure the article was a good read.  However, it's not too far off.  I work with these guys every day and am amazed at the amount of work/events/family time they are able to pack into a 24 hour day.  I'm still not convinced some of them sleep, but they never complain or act like they are pulling a heavier load than anyone else. So, as you start back to school, I hope this article will help give you a sense of the bigger picture.  It's not just about the classes you are taking now, it's about learning how to balance those classes with your social and extra-curricular activities, which make your resume look so shiny.
INCPA posted a You Tube interview with Dale as well!  Take a look...

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